Waiting for payment


I AM one of the many members of Nambawan Super Ltd and I am still waiting for the State contributions.
We were once employed by the State and served the people of this country to the best of our ability and time.
After ceasing from our jobs, we deserve a better tribute and farewell by our employer (State) with its contributions which it is obliged to pay us.
The NSL already published in media that the National Court decision early this year ordered the State to pay all the funds it owed us.
Now why is NSL not paying out and why is NSL silent now?
Is it a sign that the office of NSL and the Government are compromising?
This is a big issue and needs to be addressed but who will lead us?
No one unless all the concerned members raise their voices.
Hence, if you are a member or a relative or friend of NSL member who falls into my category, please do make an attempt to text 75351007 and indicate your location.
That is basically to get our numbers so we can organise to take this issue on board collectively.

Yalwaii Yunbol