Walo stops Weiru in second round


MIDDLEWEIGHT boxer Douglas Walo won his first World Boxing Council-sanctioned bout with a technical knockout of Indonesia’s Ramadan Weiru in Port Moresby on Sunday.
Walo took some hard punches from Weiru in the first round but looked to be in control while out jabbing his opponent.
The second round saw the Morobean come alive with hard punches to the body and a few big blows to his opponent’s head.
The referee stopped the match few minutes into round two for the medical team to assess Weiru, who copped a huge hit to the face which caused a blood clot on his left eye.
The judges then declared Walo the winner by technical knockout.
He told The National that after studying Weiru in the opening round, he exploited his opponent’s weaknesses.
“I told my coach before going into the ring that I would win in the second round,” Walo said.
“The first round was his. I just watched his movements and absorbed his punches.
“In round two, I knew what to do so I delivered a few big shots to his body and head which got me the win.”
He dedicated the win to God and thanked Him for the courage to fight.
“God has helped me throughout my life since I was a boy. The win on was a blessing,” Walo said.
“I also thank my coach for preparing me. He has helped me a lot. I’d like to also thank Oceania Fight Promotions for the opportunity to fight on a stage like this.”