We don’t need to prove Christianity on paper


A JEWISH rabbi once said: “You needed God in order to be created and after being created, God needs you here, now, for his purpose”.
Papua New Guinea needs God on paper because to serve His purpose, uproot corruption and law and order issues.
Corruption is sometimes invisible because our markers are off range.
You can’t shoot down corruption if it is beyond your range of fire or in your house.
There is a total breakdown in discipline, amounting to lawlessness.
Prime Minister James Marape should act wisely instead of looking up to Heaven because we have been declaring ourselves as Christians for that last 100 years.
Is Marape questioning the genuinity of Christians here?
God is not blind and we should be reminded that the paper approach is cultic.
Freetown, the capital of Sierra Leone in West Africa is almost a replica of the Morata settlement in Port Moresby because their leaders looked for a miracle to the extreme of setting the record by having a 25-year-old army officer becoming the world’s youngest President.
A foreign journalist once asked them if they understood what a president or a prime minister is, and does.
The world is watching us.
The spiritual estate and the temporal kingdom are two separate entities.
History has proven that we cannot juggle them.
We could end up sleeping under trees, waiting for our next miraculous plate for food.
Why are we decorating papers to showcase God?
This doctrine is misleading and is in contempt with what Jesus Christ promised in Matthew 28:18-20.
It seems those responsible for this idea are thinking that others are not Christian enough to their liking.
I believe the catch here is probably be tithing the country’s workers through their pay, an erratic sectarian doctrine finding a way to be incepted and becoming a law.

Ps Samson Supaka,
Lutheran Church,