We have much to teach PNG, says Sir Julius


NEW Ireland Governor Sir Julius Chan has told the people that the autonomy song sung by their elders is still being sung today.
He addressed the people during the New Ireland Day celebrations on Friday in Kavieng. It also marked his 50th year of public service as an MP, prime minister and governor.
He said New Ireland had been setting the pace for the nation in many ways.
“New Ireland gave our nation a first local teacher. We led the first strike – to ask for better things though. In 1973, we sang to the United Nations for autonomy,” Sir Julius said.
He said the province introduced the education subsidy in 2008 and a pension for the elderly and disabled in 2009. “New Ireland has a lot to learn (and) we also have much to teach PNG,” Sir Julius said.
“New Ireland has contributed and continues to contribute to the history and development of PNG. Though small and at the edge of the country, it has always punched above its weight.”
He said autonomy did not weaken a country but strengthened it.
“Our autonomy is not a threat to PNG. It is the salvation of the country and is championed by patriots,” Sir Julius said.
“We must see the differences and celebrate that and forge a stronger unity.”
He said autonomy would enable people to benefit more from the resources taken from their land and sea by outsiders.