We will benefit from hospital

Letters, Normal

I REFER to the letter “Who will benefit from new hospital?” (The National, April 12) by Trace.
The answer is simple – Papua New Guineans.
The writer’s view of the state of the art hospital is shallow.
This hospital, if it eventuates, will be the major referral centre.
It will have the state of the art medical equipment and laboratory facilities.
With all these equipment in PNG, you patients no longer have to raise funds to go overseas.
That’s the big picture.
I agree with the writer that provincial hospitals are deteriorating.
If the Government decided to equally distribute this allocated funds to provincial hospitals, what do you think will happen, Trace?
All the money will simply disappear.
This new hospital is one chance of a lifetime.
Let’s pave way for change and let new things happen in our generation.
Instead of talking negatively, let’s be positive and thank the people responsible for this change.
Every journey starts with a single step.

Kole cops
Via email