Well done PNGDF, Navy officers


I WAS happy to have read in your paper on Tuesday about the PNG Defence Force Navy officers intercepting the unidentified foreign vessel off Kavieng, New Ireland, by firing shots to force the boat to stop.
The captain and crew in charge of the HMPNGS Moresby should be praised and promoted for a job well done.
If a foreign vessel in PNG waters does not adhere to instructions, then it should be forced to do so and the Navy officers had done well in that regard.
As in the case of the huge cocaine bust near Port Moresby a couple of weeks ago, foreign vessels are also entering our borders with no respect of our laws and our sovereignty as a nation.
We don’t know what they are carrying into and out of our country and they have been doing that for some time.
It is time for the Government to seriously think about establishing border posts with personnel and sufficient resources in all our border provinces such as New Ireland, Bougainville, Milne Bay, Gulf and Western.
Those are provinces where there are no army or navy personnel and barracks or existing posts.
Foreigners, with the help of some locals, have been involved in all sorts of illegal trade and that has to be stopped.
It was fortunate that the HMPNGS Moresby was in the nearby waters between Kavieng and Manus to have intercepted that foreign vessel.
Think about all the waters further down south in the New Guinea Islands and in the southern parts of mainland New Guinea, where there are no military or border posts.
How many foreign vessels may be roaming about at will due to the absence of border posts and navy personnel?
Milne Bay too has been in the news in the past for drug smuggling and a post needs to be set up there immediately.
Again, congratulations to the captain and his crew for a job well done.
I hope your top brass praise you and reward you accordingly.
Now, we wait for the police officers and authorities from Port Moresby to do their part in investigating and prosecuting the crew of the unregistered vessel which defied orders to stop when it was intercepted.