What is money in politics?


WHAT is money to people and to candidates during elections?
Money is not really a thing at all but a social technology.
This time around, people would bet on the incumbent and the intending candidates to provide for their needs and wants; in what many believe is for the candidates to test voters to win their hearts according to the value of cash, kind or the goods and services offered.
The wrong notions are what the voters are well versed with thus crippling the candidates to get prepared and resourced before putting hands up to take the race or they be the goner.
Most people often fail to understand that these contestants exhaust their own time and hard earned resources to contest the public office to bring services to the community and help them.
Notably, the system demands some inducements from candidates to ease their tensions and settle before considering their preferences.
The order though are equally important, follow the manner in which they are served, treated or linked.
Why do people promote such practices when these are against the election rules and guidelines?
Some leaders don’t realise the importance of service delivery and the constant dialogue with people.
They switch their phones off, ignore their calls and text messages, drive in tinted glasses and escape from baseline and voters.
They prefer very much an isolated and better quite private life.
These are precedents we all know.
For now, voters know very much the reality of some leaders.
People’s votes cannot be easily convinced for a candidate’s favour without any effort to please and convince him or her. Many can critique as unacceptable and not proper for our society to promote such but it all takes us back to where they all started. Who sets the precedents?
A new norm has developed which Papua New Guinea politics somewhat be reserved for those with sufficient cash and resource strengths to take up the contest to serve the people despite any prerequisites of experiences and leadership skills with any public or private engagements.
The power of choice entirely depends on voters.
Only if the mindsets of people change, the leaders’ output would make great impact enabling major developments to take effect.

Nere Thomas Moli