What is PM doing?


WHAT a political blunder by our Prime Minister James Marape and his cabinet ministers.
Where were his political advisers prior to granting the Bougainville people’s request for autonomy?
Marape and his cabinet has set a precedence and are paving a way for other provinces to follow suit which may destroy our unity.
Such threats by Marape to stop other provinces to follow Bougainville is too low coming from our prime minister.
There is no such thing as ‘Bougainville is a special case’ in law.
Every province should be treated equally under our constitution.
The only option available now is for the Government to be prepared to grant more provincial and financial autonomy to provinces that have requested and are ready for it.
Otherwise, consider introducing the political concept of a four-state government in PNG.
Let the prime minister be elected by the people.
Change our name to PNG Republic.

Samson C. Napo
Buang LLG

One thought on “What is PM doing?

  • Sorry mate wrong PM
    The National 2019/02/07 Outcome of ABG Oct 17 Referendum then must go before parliament – Prime Minister Peter O’Neill says the final outcome of the Bougainville referendum will need to be put to Parliament for its decision.

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