What is the true meaning of being a Christian?

Letters, Normal

The National, Wednesday May 28th, 2014

 IT is commonly assumed that anyone who believes in God or who goes to church is a Christian. 

However, the true meaning of the word “Christian” was never meant to nominate a person’s faith or doctrine. 

A Christian is not a name tag of someone who believes in God, Jesus Christ or the bible, but a status of someone being anointed by the Holy Spirit of God with the bible’s evidence of speaking in strange tongues received through bible process. 

The name “Christ Jesus’’ specifically means, “anointed saviour’’. 

These are his spiritual status and not his surname or family name. 

It was never used to define religious beliefs rather; the term identifies God’s anointed people. 

It is simple, you must receive the Holy Spirit as promised by God to become a real Christian. 


Anointed Christian, Via email