What is there to modify the OBE?

Letters, Normal

The National, Thursday 15th December 2011

I AM appalled that a learned person like Dr Eliakim Apelis could say we should “modify the OBE system”.  
Look at the literacy skills of our Grade 4 pupils which I equate to being dumb and numb. 
Parents all over the country want the OBE scraped.
Even Prof John Nonggorr has called for its abolishment.
The people in the Education Department must take a reality check.
Why do they want to continue treating Papua New Guineans like guinea pigs?
It is people like the Apelis who are the stumbling block to change.
Would you not be angry if your own child is unable to comprehend and read and write proper English?
While children in the urban areas can go for extra coaching, can children in the rural areas do
that too?
I call on these learned people to visit schools in the remote areas so they can get a first-hand look at ground zero.
They will know first-hand how good or bad the situation is.
Do not hold discussions in major hotels like last week in Lae.  
The new education secretary, Dr Musawe Sinebare, is expected to implement the government’s directive to remove OBE, not modify it.

Bapa Bomoteng