Where are the medical officers?

Letters, Normal

ABOUT 4pm on Friday, May 28, I brought my dad, who is diabetic, to the A&E at Kimbe General Hospital and had to wait for about three hours before he was eventually seen by a HEO.
My dad was kept overnight for observations.
The nursing officer told us our dad was okay but needed a review by medical officers before he could be discharged.
We waited until about 4pm on Saturday when the nursing officer told us dad had to be discharged even though he was yet to be seen by a MO.
This was because there were not enough beds at the Kimbe GH.
The medical officers are paid when they are on-call during the weekends.
But they are nowhere to be seen when they are needed.
Taxpayers, who include patients and guardians, are paying for their salaries, yet they cannot be be found on weekends.
Many people have lodged complaints, yet there is no improvement.
I call on the Kimbe GH management to look into this urgently and discipline medical officers who fail to perform.


Frustrated victim