Where is your sense of pride in PNG?

Letters, Normal

The National, Friday July 31st, 2015

 IS there some kind of fascination for Fijians by some of our Highlands businessmen, company executives and politicians. 

First we hear of the Mineral Resources Development Company (MRDC) investing heavily in that country with its managing director  almost making Fiji his second home.

There are other Highlanders who have very close association with Fiji through business and or family connections. 

Now we hear of the Education Minister, another Highlander, contemplating the idea of bringing teachers in from that country to teach here. 

What is it with you guys? 

Get real Nick Kuman. 

How about we continue to recruit teachers and other workers from the Philippines. 

After all, the Filipinos have a long history of teaching in this country. They work extremely hard and are a lot more friendlier than the lot you want to bring in. 

In case you may be suffering from amnesia, let me remind you that the Fijians were the ones who were quick to condemn our water and dared to call our settlements as downright filthy. 

Where is your sense of patriotism. 

I say no to Fijians coming to teach in this country.



Port Moresby