White expats have taken EHP for a ride

Letters, Normal

WHAT have Sir Danny Leahy, Sir Dennis Buchanan, Philip Frame, Mal Smith and other white expatriates done for Goroka and EHP compared to brothers John and Simon Sia?
Those people who protested against the Asians should be ashamed.
We live in a big global village now and one should be free to move and do business anywhere.
Compared to the Asians, we were “ripped off” by Sir Danny and his cronies with billions of kina leaving our country.
They have nothing to show for their so-called investments in Goroka.
Collins and Leahy was once listed in the Sydney stock exchange, Talair was the biggest third level airline in PNG, Laga Industries started in Kama yet we were not better off.
The EHP people should ask their governor about the collapse of Eastern Highlands savings and loan society, how he bought Pacific Helicopters, and how did the Gouna group of companies collapsed and the current state of Nokondi Investment.
They should live in Asia if they have no answers.


Nathaniel Gomae
Kama village, EHP