Who does audit for DSIP and PSIP funds?


SOME years ago I read a story regarding – politician of a foreign country.
The news revealed that this particular politician stole an amount of public funds not exceeding several thousand or hundreds but less than that when he was found guilty of the charge in stealing public funds.
His country judiciary system upholding its rule of law – surrounding public office and funds in sentencing the poor politician to life imprisonment.
After reading that world news in brief, I imagined if our country PNG adopts the same laws as this country so it can make leaders and public servants feel the pinch of their country law.
So it then can be a good lesson for all and for future generations.
In reflecting the above story, we need to give answers to a few questions here.
Who is doing audit for our MPs DSIP and PSIP funds?
Whoever doing the audit, are you really honest in the job you made a vow to perform without fear and flavour.
Did you pay visit to projects sites?
You did then good – that’s the way to go.
So the actual cost of the project matched with your finding.
Very good so far – we don’t see or hear the audit team finding a single error in one of our politician or a public servant.
So far so good.

Paul Minga
Political observer