WHO warns of monkeypox outbreak

Health Watch

AN outbreak of a disease called monkeypox is happening in some countries where the virus is not typically found, the World Health Organisation (WHO) says.
This public health advice from the WHO contains information on how the virus spreads, what to do if you think you have symptoms and how to protect yourself and others.
Symptoms include:

  • Rash with blisters on face, hands, feet, eyes, mouth and/or genitals;
  • Fever;
  • Swollen lymph nodes;
  • Headaches;
  • Muscle aches; and,
  • Low energy.

You can catch monkeypox if you have close physical contact with someone who is showing symptoms,” WHO said.
“This includes touching and being face-to-face.
“Monkeypox can spread during close skin-to-skin contact during sex, including kissing, touching, oral and penetrative sex with someone who has symptoms.
“Avoid having close contact with anyone who has symptoms.”