
It is unbearable and it’s getting worse every day as container trucks and heavy vehicles churn their way through the dust and heat of Erica Street which links the new tidal basin port in Lae.
This is one of the busiest streets in Lae and is home to soft drinks giant Coca-Cola Amatil and other companies.
The National published a photo of this particular street a month ago, but nothing has been done to give this street a new lease on life and at least slow its detrioration and save taxpayers the pain.
Coca-Cola, through the Lae Chamber of Commerce, has raised its concerns several times, especially mentioning the health risks posed by the dust.
Erica Street is typical of Lae’s horrendously bad roads. Others include Macdhui, at the northern end of Montoro towards Mash Street; Malaita, towards the Papuan Compound; and Mangola Street. These streets are right at the artery of the industrial centre.
It’s the same story as always: Dust during dry season and craters and puddles when it rains.