Woman charged with false pretence to file statement


A woman who pretended to be the biological daughter of a dead Correctional Services (CS) officer and allegedly obtained his savings will return to court to find out whether her case will proceed for trial or not.
Magistrate Tracy Ganaii informed Rebecca Daniel, 42, of Pildimna village in Gumine, Chimbu, that her case was adjourned to Aug 6 for a final ruling on her Section 96
statement after she filed it in court on Friday.
Ganaii said the court found sufficient evidence to commit the matter to trial.
However, Daniel had the right to file her statement and based on that the matter would either continue to trial or if there was enough doubt the court could reconsider its decision and withdraw the charges against the accused.
Daniel allegedly defrauded the late CS officer Leo Alauro of his Nambawan Super Savings between Aug 25, 2016 and Oct 4, 2018.
It was alleged that Daniel pretended to be a biological daughter of Alauro and claimed K513,361.35 of his superannuation savings.
Police files indicated that she falsified documents at the CS headquarters and convinced officers that she was the deceased’s eldest daughter.
The CS human resource records showed that Daniel was not a beneficiary nor a dependent, yet she was recommended to Nambawan Super as the next of kin where she claimed the deceased’s savings.
She was charged with one count of stealing under false pretence and one count of misappropriation of property after Alauro’s son lodged a complaint with police.

One thought on “Woman charged with false pretence to file statement

  • Rebecca Daniel, shame on you. Find something useful or get a job to sustain your leaving. Stop looking for cheap ways to earn money. Hatwok blo narpla man yah. Also, she was not a beneficiary or dependent but how was the approval made? Investigate the people also in there. Some might be involved.

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