Women learn handy tips

Faith, Normal

The National, Thursday September 12th, 2013


MORE than 500 women are currently attending a week-long meeting of the Lutheran church at Laukanu in the Salamaua district in Morobe.

The meeting of the Malolo circuit wokmeri began on Monday and is a prelude to a larger Yabim district conference to be held at Markham later this year.

The circuit includes women’s (Geyamsao) groups from Markham, Wampar, Finschhafen, Menyamya and Kaintiba on the Gulf-Morobe border.

Leader (Was Papa) of the group, Taelabu Ngawe said last Saturday circuit meetings were avenues for women in these areas to discuss spiritual concerns as well as projects and matters relating to their everyday lives.

Hands-on training on cooking, sewing and other aspects relating to the home and good family living is also offered to the participants.  

Ngawe said each group brought a report of issues in their district in the meeting and these would be brought up to a higher meeting Yabim district conference.

Recommendations and resolutions arrived at the district conference will be presented to the women and church representatives in the provincial assembly (Tutumang) for tabling.

Morobe Governor, Kelly Naru has contributed some funding towards the meeting on behalf of the provincial government.