MP gives priority to local businesses

Momase, Normal

The National, Thursday September 12th, 2013


MAPRIK MP John Simon plans to protect local businesses in the district.

He told a press conference last Friday that people were important to him as he represented them in parliament.

The press conference was organised by Maprik town mayor Paul Dingu at the district administration conference room.

Attending the conference were president for Maprik-Wora Ian Samuel, district administrator George Teliki, Simon and chairman of the Maprik Landowners Association Patrick Dingu and local businessmen.

Foreigners running businesses in Maprik were also invited.

The purpose was to discuss issues raised by members of the public in the district concerning foreigners conducting businesses there.

Simon said it was good for outsiders to come and invest in the district but they must follow proceduresas required by the district, province and country.

“Conducting business by foreigners is also progressing in the economic development growth in the district but first priority must be given to the local businessmen and women,” Simon said.