Work to start once conditions are met

Letters, Normal

I REFER to the concerns raised in the letter “Get rid of useless contractors” (The National, Aug 26) by “Frustrated Engans” on the awarding of two contracts on the Highlands Highway between the Western Highlands border and Wapenamanda and clear some points.
The contracts were awarded and executed last July.
Prior to the actual commencement, there are some contractual prerequisites that must be met by the state as well as the contractor as parties to the contract and they include :
* The state to appoint the supervisor and delegate the respective powers of the supervisor to the field staff and administer the contract;
* The state to give the possession of the site to the contractor;
* The contractor to provide the necessary insurances (equipment and works);
* The contractor to provide the performance security; and
* The contractor to provide his revised construction programme.
Work cannot commence without these requirements in place.
On the awards of the contracts, the department evaluated the bids according to the established evaluation criteria (spelt out in the respective documents) and what were highlighted are all part of our normal evaluation including each bidder’s current commitment and their capacity to take on additional works.
Separate evaluation reports for each contract was sent to the Central Supply and Tenders Board that deliberated and awarded the contracts accordingly.
The Works Department is also mindful of the size of the construction industry, especially on road works, trying to meet the demand and in line with the government’s policy to encourage the growth of this industry will (where possible) try out new firms that have shown interest, provided they have met the minimum criteria set.
The department is also aware of the current condition and the importance of the highway and will administer the contract as per specification.
As for the commencement of the work, the first site meetings are now being held with the respective contractors to firm up the prerequisites and work should commence this month.


Joel Luma
Secretary for Works