Your health is your greatest wealth: Parkop

Health Watch

NATIONAL Capital District Governor Powes Parkop says the greatest wealth people have is their health.
Parkop is a strong advocate of a healthy lifestyle and healthy living through his “Walk for Life” initiative and yoga.
“A wealthy nation is a nation with healthy people because healthy people will become more productive and increase the country’s wealth,” he said.
“We need to educate our people more that health is their everyday business.
“Nothing is more important than your health and your health should be your everyday business.
“I receive more than 50 text messages and phone calls every month regarding assistance for haus krai (mourning house). That’s not good. It shows that our people are not taking good care of their health.”
Parkop said many people died from lifestyle diseases at an early age “simply because they leave their health to the doctors and nurses at the hospital”.
“They think their health is the business of the doctors and the nurses. This is not supposed to be. Our health is our greatest wealth and it should be our everyday business to look after our health.”