Youths surrender firearm


YOUTHS from Morata Four surrendered a stolen pistol, three magazines and 19 cartridges to National Capital District police as an act of good will and an attempt to work with law enforcement agencies.
NCD Met Supt Chief Supt Perou N`dranou said the youths’ action was a way forward for the community.
He said it was the first step for the community and the police to work together to make the city safer.
N’dranou said since 2018, NCD police had engaged with communities within the city with the aim of promoting peace and good order. He said several law enforcement initiatives in the community, such as the creation of the City Watch, training of youths on conflict resolution, assisting village court magistrates, regular cleanliness awareness, regular peace and good order awareness and mediating disputes had been started.
N’dranou said the initiatives built trust in the community leaders and the youths and encouraged them to work with police.
“The stolen firearm was recovered by the youths at Morata Four on Independence Day and was given to the police,” he said.
N’dranou said because the youths had surrendered the firearm without police having to search for it, police would not investigate who was in possession of the firearm or how it was taken but would inform the owner that their firearm had been recovered.
He called on others in the city who were in possession of unlicensed or stolen firearms to surrender them to his office.
N’dranou also urged the public to make use of the police toll free number (1800100) to report crimes or call for police assistance.