Amendment serves only a handful

Letters, Normal

THE LNG project is the next big thing happening in the country and it is a bonus for PNG.
However, I find it hard to believe that everyone will get to enjoy this bonus as I have a nagging feeling that only a few will truly enjoy this bonus.
My worse fears appear to have come true when the Esa’ala MP Moses Maladina, instead of proposing how to capitalise and maximise on the proceeds from the LNG project and bring PNG up another level, saw fit to propose amending the Ombudsman Commission and restrict its powers.
This is not a constructive move at all.
The people of PNG must strongly oppose this amendment.
Corruption, unfortunately, has become part of our culture and it is a no-brainer that this amendment will make it even more widespread than before.
It will only benefit a select few while the rest of the country will suffer.
Will this amendment make Esa’ala the leading district in PNG and the safest of all? I sincerely doubt it.


Palga Sehba
Mt Hagen