Authority takes over city’s ops


UNDER a new and approved structure, the Department of Personnel Management has transferred all positions at the Lae urban local level government (LULLG) to the Lae City Authority (LCA), according to an official.
“LULLG has been advised and people will be appointed for the positions but there are still delays,” LCA chief executive officer Neill Ellery said.
He said the transfer indicated that all public servants’ positions within the LLG had been transferred to LCA by the approval of the new authority structure
“This means the authority is now responsible for all functions from revenue collection and others.
“The authority is now the rightful municipal service provider in Lae city,” Ellery said.
Under the new structure, there are 93 management positions and for the municipal service provider LCA has about 200 positions.
“While these positions come with the new structure, we are reducing the number of positions from 600 previously, to about 300,” he said.