Border villages yet to present petition


WEST Sepik administrator Conrad Tilau says he is yet to receive a petition to remove West Papuans settling on the Papua New Guinea side of the PNG-Indonesian border.
“The border has been open since Friday after being closed for three days,” he said.
“Business between PNG and Indonesian people has resumed.
“But I have yet to receive a petition from the Wutung villagers to remove West Papuans on their land.”
Tilau said this yesterday after Wutung villagers were reported to have met to remove the West Papuans from West Coast villages starting from Lido to Wutung.
The villagers were also planning to present their petition to the West Sepik government on Friday
The villagers were reported to have had a meeting last Friday to remove West Papuans saying that their presences was posing security threat for them to freely use their traditional lands.
Last Tuesday, the West Papua Revolutionary Army members, under Mathias Wenda, crossed the border into the PNG side and fired shots from high-powered weapons back into the Indonesia side targeting an Indonesian military base.