BSP online record shows future transaction

Letters, Normal

I AM currently overseas and my family is using my savings card back home.
I just observed something strange on the transaction history of my account via BSP’s online banking.
There is a record of a withdrawal made on Oct 12, which is two days from today (Oct 10).
How can that happen?
Has BSP all of a sudden become so sophisticated and smart that it is able to predict future transactions on accounts of individuals?
If so, I offer my congratulations to their IT personnel for producing something that’s a world first!
I also noticed the BSP has reduced the transfer order fee from K2.50 to K1.
Also, on Oct 1, K116.44 was used through Eftpos purchase, but guess what.
My transaction record on BSP online banking displays three versions of that transaction; two withdrawals and a deposit of the same amount at the same time and venue.
It is good to see BSP is aggressively promoting its online banking but at the same time, I hope the system is not playing games.


System up
Brisbane, Australia