Budget committee wants clarity on pay issue


TREASURY Secretary Dairi Vele says the issue of outstanding police service allowances was raised with the budget management committee after the budget was finalised last year.
Vele was speaking in response to claims by the Police Association that the Government owed service allowances of about K160 million.
Vele told The National that the committee had asked for some clarity around the issue because they were not aware of it.
“This issue was brought to the attention of the budget management committee very late last year after the budget was finalised,” he said.
“We asked for some clarity around the issue because we didn’t know about it. We are also surprised that it has only been brought to our attention after eight years.
“Normally with these types of issues they are raised immediately and then they are budgeted for. However, this has not been the case.”
Union officials claimed that according to the enterprise-based agreement, officers nationwide were owed allowances for services rendered.
The allowances included shifts backdated to 2010, insurance and Apec allowances of K300 per officer.