Central gets 5pc more in GST revenue from NCDC


CENTRAL will be getting 5 per cent more in terms of goods and services tax revenue from the National Capital District Commission (NCDC) after Parliament approved amendments to the NCDC Act on Thursday.
Central Governor Robert Agarobe who tabled the bill received the Government’s support to have the legislation amended so that his province could receive “equitable share” of the taxes collected in the capital city.
The Internal Revenue Commission will now pay to Central 10 per cent of the tax collected by the NCDC, with 5 per cent to Gulf and 2 per cent to the Motu-Koita Assembly.
He said Port Moresby was in the centre of Central.
“It has been a controversial issue for a very long time, and further complicated with the passing of the National Capital District Commission Act 2001,” he said.
“The amendments I am tabling today (last Thursday) is to correct part of the Act and safeguard the indigenous people of Central, which includes the East and West Hiri, Koitabu and Koiari people.
“Central has been fighting to be given a fair share of the GST revenue collected in the city.
“In addition, the bill also proposes for the amendment to the governance structure of the National Capital District Commission.”
He said the amendments aimed to set a clear demarcation of the functions of the board, chairman and the city manager, and improve governance of the city.
Rigo MP Lekwa Gure said Central was entitled to a fair share of the GST since its people commuted into the city and spent money.