Children celebrate week with reading

Education, Normal

The National,Monday August 10th, 2015

 THROUGHOUT last week children attending Buk bilong Pikinini libraries were being given the opportunity to celebrate National Book Week and take part in activities related to reading and literacy. 

Across Papua New Guinea, children have taken part in cultural displays aimed at showcasing their reading skills and artwork to parents and community members. 

The theme, “Reading is Power”, resonates with Buk bilong Pikinini’s new executive officer, Lucinda Gulluman-Kisip. 

She stated that “being able to read is a precious gift”. 

“The sooner a child learns to read, the earlier they start to learn about the world around them. I encourage parents and communities to create opportunities for children to learn how to read,” she said. 

Literacy rates in Papua New Guinea are amongst the lowest in the Pacific, with adult literacy rates sitting at below 10 per cent in some areas. 

This is predominantly due to limited access to schools and libraries and the fact that many school aged children are not enrolled. 

Buk bilong Pikinini, an organisation providing literacy to vulnerable children of Papua New Guinea, celebrates National Book Week as it allows the organisation with an opportunity to further empower children and engage them in literacy awareness and promotion.