Christmas seen as time for joy, reflection

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GOVERNOR-General Sir Bob Dadae says the festive season is a time to be joyful, and celebrate and reflect on achievements made as a nation and as individuals.
“We may not see the benefits of our hard work now, however, we are assured that there is reward for those who persevere despite hardships,” he said.
“The satisfaction that comes from striving to make an honest living exceeds that of having a guilty conscience for knowingly acquiring wealth through illegal and illicit means.
“Peace and security and prosperity can be ours if we put in the effort to make these a reality.
“We are therefore wise to heed the counsel of our Lord Jesus Christ when he said: ‘Keep on, then, seeking first the Kingdom and his righteousness, and all these other things will be added to you’. As we gather together to commemorate Christmas with our family and friends, may we also reflect on the good deeds of others those who devote their time and service to serve our people in rural communities such as doctors, nurses, health workers, teachers, volunteers, NGOs, churches, missionaries, youth and women groups who strive to make a positive difference in the lives of others.”