City kicks off games with three codes, volleyball games delayed


THE National Capital District Mini Beach games kicked off yesterday at the Ela Beach Park in Port Moresby.
Three codes of basketball, soccer and touch kicked off on time while volleyball was delayed until next week.
Teams from all over Port Moresby who registered packed the beach with much enthusiasm as expected from players and supporters. “Around week three or four of the games, NCD Governor Powes Parkop will be attending the event to address the participants,” NCDC sports officer James Favo said.
Favo also asked the participating teams to bring their own small tents, water coolers and food next week.
He asked the players to respect the officials coordinating the games and to let team managers and captains to work with the officials.
“I don’t want to see participants hanging around the officials tents anymore, send the team managers or captains if you have any queries,” Favo said.
The basketball rings at Ela Beach Park were not in good condition so the games were moved to the South Side Gym opposite the Koki Fish Market. Favo said they would make an official draw for next week with consideration to teams that registered in more than one code.
Touch was kicked off with a 10-minute game with M16 Young Guns beating Talatala Warriors 2-0.