City transport system issues


THE present transportation system in Port Moresby is one of the worst in the world.
There is lack of competence, disgrace and ignominy to the public.
The PMV operators have no clue whatsoever about customer service.
Poor management daily, short cuts and overcharging passengers – K2 from Konedobu through Freeway to Vision City.
All short distances within one and two bus stops, all crews demand K1. We’ve dealt with this for years, how long will this kind of ill treatment continue?
The authorities know this very well but nothing has been done.
Can’t MVIL and the city manager and Governor Parkop do something?
The present transport operators licences should all be terminated and given to a credible and reputable company not owned by any politicians, managers of MVIL, with their cronies.
I call on the government to give it to the Motu Koita people to manage.
The same should be done to all taxi licences!
Revoke all licences with the present operators and give it to the people who deserve it.

Papuan Human Rights
Commission Chairman