MP should be ashamed


IT seems the Imbonggu MP Pila Niningi has no integrity.
When the ship is going down you do not abandon your captain especially if he was loyal to you.
I applaud Sam Basil for showing that they are men of integrity but for people like Niningi, a first time MP who O’Neill took in and gave a portfolio to.
Pila, O’Neill showed you kindness and favour the way I see it, so I ask, where is your loyalty and integrity?
Your actions have brought shame to the Imbonggu people, because it show you are after nothing but power.
That picture in The National on Monday showed a happy Niningi but a not so happy Marape which is interesting and I can only imagine what transpired in that scenario especially when two MPs were turned away.
Imbonggu needs a leader who can act on his or her convictions who are God fearing and cannot be swayed by worldly lusts and I for one don’t want to see my MP running around acting like an opportunist.

Noel Ipu Tawa
Walume Junction
Imbonggu District