Convicted murderer recaptured by police


A MAN who was convicted for murdering his brother and escaped from Beon prison was re-captured by police in Madang’s Karkar Island last week.
Madang commander Supt Mazuc Rubiang said that Daus Kiteng was also armed when police was arresting him.
“But, he was outnumbered by policemen who successfully arrested him,” he added.
“I want to thank the village leaders for their assistance in providing information to police that led to the capture of the murderer.
“We are very happy that the leaders are now working closely with the police to help keep their respective wards safe.”
Supt Rubiang said according to the police brief, the man assaulted a girl who sustained serious injuries, and the matter was reported to the police who successfully arrested him.
He said the suspect was not held a police station lockup and formal charges would be laid on him.