Corporation intervenes to fix access roads in Alotau


THE Oil Palm Industry Corporation (Opic) has rehabilitated small holder roads in Alotau, Milne Bay, under its intervention programme.
Opic acting general-secretary Kepson Pupita said many small holder farmers had abandoned their blocks because of a lack of access to proper roads.
Road 1 consists of 69 blocks and Road 2 is 58 blocks.
Each roads costs K495,000 and K125,000 on rehabilitation of blocks.
Pupita said Opic was using its share of the K50 million price support intervention programme for agriculture sector to rehabilitate oil palm blocks.
“We have taken our share of that money and put it into rehabilitating oil palm blocks that were run down many years ago,” he said.
“We rehabilitated blocks along the corridor of a road that the Government has already funded through the public investment programme under the small holder maintenance and rehabilitation programme.
“The Government gave the corporation K10 million for road maintenance and rehabilitation for the small holders.
“For oil palm, I could not do price support because I would need K100 million to K200 million. That’s a lot of money but we are going to rehabilitate road.”
He said the money put into the two roads could be recovered in two years.
“In two years, we can recover K1.4 million in export earnings and K700,000 in terms of earnings through the farmer,” he said.
“I can say that in agriculture, oil palm is the way to go and our Government needs to put more money into oil palm because that is the commodity that can immediately transform lives and alleviate poverty.”


  • Yes transform no lives and destroy more environment. Fish vanishes from water hole, creeks and rivers due to chemical run off. Rivers and creeks started have over grown green algae’s, drinking and swimming holes become contaminated. there are cases of skin disease along the rivers and creeks, gardening and hunting grounds become a long way away from the nearest village.
    Wild life habitats are destroyed and becoming endangered. now.
    These cash crop has not put back money to fix the problems the land owners are facing currently, but becoming more greedy and it’s getting worse.
    Please stop oil palm now!!! or else we will lose our flora and fauna forever…

  • Was the policeman on official duty or local tourist with the big-men?
    Hope that’s not the so-called ‘Road’ after rehabilitation with Government money. It looks like a logger’s track

  • Use the same concept to grow organic food for export and sales within the country. Oil palm maybe thd biggest employer but it has caused alot of damage to peoples lives

  • Were are the forestry officers????
    Were is Dibela???
    Please reconsider the buffer zones alone the rivers, maybe 150m zone on both sides will be good enough. The current buffer zones now, I don’t think wild life can survive and yet you put up signs saying
    No gardening
    No hunting
    No burning Bush
    Do please reconsider the buffer zones alone the rivers. Maybe this can help prevent soil erosion

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