Covid-19 restrictions expected to ease


RESTRICTIONS on sporting venues and activities are expected to be eased in the coming weeks as the PNG Sports Foundation (PNGSF) carries out its approvals on codes and their back-to-sports Covid-19 protocols.
The PNGSF’s pandemic management committee (PMC) in a statement confirmed the protocols for 30 sports with only three codes (rugby league, cricket and soccer) given approval to commence competition.
“National federations that have gained PMC approval for their Covid-19 protocols are currently applying to the Controller for approval to start their local competitions and programmes,” PMC chairman Dr Kapua Kapua said.
“Once national federations receive the Controller’s approval, their sports associations can commence competition and programmes.
“This will all be under the strict adherence to the PMC approved protocols for all affiliates and the Niupela Pasin protocols must be always complied at all venues.
“No spectators until further notice.
“Fortunately, the second wave to hit the country in March was well contained during the isolation strategy period and we have seen a decline in cases and deaths.
“This made it possible for the NCC to ease restrictions across most sectors,” he said.
Dr Kapua added that the responsibility of maintaining and controlling sporting competitions was now the task of the national federations with the PMC and the National Control Centre to monitor the new measures.
“To national federations, you are in control of your affairs,” he said.
“Once you gain approval then you are in charge, federations and their administration are responsible to maintain compliance and discipline among their associations and affiliates to their sports protocols.
“If any of the associations are not adhering to the protocols, warn them to comply or shut them down immediately.
“Repeated breaches will draw the attention of the national control centre officers and your whole sport will be shut down.”