Create opportunities for affected women


READ with great interest a letter penned last week by a Wara Simbu Trout Fish, DPI Dragons under the headline “Help Vendors do their Trade”.
The location of Asian shop Tema Mart in Kundiawa Town used to be a second hand clothing vending site for mothers in Chimbu until a decision by the previous provincial government put the vendors out of business.
Many families were affected and had not recuperated because the provincial government failed to find an alternate site.
It had failed its responsibility to take care of its people. What kind of government makes such decision to disadvantage its people and serve the interests of foreigners?
The provincial government is a delivery service mechanism of the three levels of government to advocate for the best for its people.
‘Wok mas go yet’ but there should be a balance between.
That decision made the people suffer in short, medium and long term and determined an unfair playground.
The decision bulldozed through snubbing the rights of protesting women with the aid of police.
The decision remains to date, one of the darkest side of the provincial government and its administration in the history of Chimbu.
It will remain that way until corrected.
The way forward is for the provincial government and its administration to create alternative opportunities for mothers, families and people of Chimbu.
Mothers are entrepreneurs from day one.
They should be respected by all walks and forms of life for who they are and what they represent in our land.
They participate in striving for a better and prosperous Papua New Guinea.
With the National Government’s support on SME, the Chimbu provincial government should encourage such activities.
This article pleads with the second hand vendors of Kundiawa town to be reallocated to an alternative site in replacement for the reserved land that was taken away from them.

The Rainbow Trout,
Mt Wilhelm