Dream big for success


EVERY successful person created a legacy not because they were greats at first.
As the saying goes, you don’t have to be great to start but you have to start to be great. What made great people successful is because they dream big.
Their dreams may seem impossible and they made it possible.
As the greatest scientist mind Albert Einstein said: “Imagination is everything. It is the preview of life‘s coming attraction”.
Now, let me bring us back to the bible to explore the meaning of faith.
Faith is the substance of things hoped for, the evidence of things not seen.
I usually love the second part of the meaning.
The reason is because your imagination is the evidence of things not seen.
Our creator previews what He has for us through imaginations.
Now, if you are dreaming to become a pilot, an accountant, a doctor or whatever it is, that is God’s way of previewing what He has in store for you.
We love watching Disney cartoons, but do you know the inventor Walt Disney?
He actually failed in many businesses, got rejected from a newspaper company.
But he never gave up till he became a multi-billionaire.
Now here is what he said: “If you can dream it, you can do it”.
Now what is the biggest killer of dreams?
It is doubt. For doubt has killed more dreams than failure has ever did.
Many dreams die in the mind before action is even taken.
My dear Papua New Guineans, we are facing hard times.
However, just as the economical crash in 2008, not all companies dropped, not all dreams die.
It boils back to you as an individual.
It’s not what happen to you but what you do about it that really matters.
We have only one life to live.
We either make it count for greatness or we just live by.
As the saying goes, stop existing and start living.
Make your one life count for greatness.

Glen Burua