Football federation welcomes two new clubs from West New Britain


FOOTBALL Federation PNG welcomed two new member associations from West New Britain.
Talasea and East Nakanai have joined the fast-growing football federation in driving the game to the rural areas of the country.
Following the launching at Genisis Haven Lodge in Kimbe last Friday, the two new affiliates joined other rural associations who want to play under FFPNG’s banner.
FFPNG president John Kapi Natto welcomed the two associations, saying he was overwhelmed by the support from the football community in West New Britain.
“FFPNG has a social responsibility to ensure everyone enjoys the game and becomes a better person while taking part in football activities,” Kapi Natto said.
“Instead of living in a glass house, FFPNG has left the comfort of their office to physically drive football through their respective coordinators to allow the rural population to become the part o the world’s game.”
Kapi Natto commended Governor Sasindran Muthuvel for supporting football in the province.
Muthuvel’s project officer Jerry Baki, who officiated at the launching along with Kapi Natto summed it up saying; “Mi stap” meaning he was available if FFPNG needed help.
Baki urged the two new associations to grab hold of the opportunity to move the game forward.
Despite having a PNGFA technical centre at Gigo, Baki admitted that the football associations had failed to get the game moving forward.
Baki said he was disappointed that Muthuvel had donated K1 million to develop football facilities but there was nothing to show for it.
Provincial government facilities manager Freddie Mathies urged the football associations to have passion for the game.
He thanked Kapi Natto who he knew during his MRDC Sevens rugby days, for getting down from his high office to meet the affiliates.
“This is the first time for a president of any sporting body in the country to come low to visit and talk to people, and I commended John Kapi Natto for that,” he said.