Fund reaffirms commitment to its members


NAMBAWAN Super Limited (NSL) will continue to use its position as the industry leader to influence policy reforms that benefit all Papua New Guineans, as well as reforms to tax on superannuation.
Chairman Reginald Monagi said: “We will continue to advocate for the repealing of harmful levies that adversely affect the investments we rely on to deliver stronger returns for our members, such as the unfair corporate banking tax.
“PNG’s history has taught us that there are always people looking after large pools of money with or without the right intentions, thinking it can be used for other purposes, Nambawan Super’s assets solely belong to its hardworking members who, throughout their working life have already contributed to the economy through their payment of Goods and Services Tax and Salary and Wages Tax.
“Hence the Fund will continue to focus on delivering its mandate which is to protect and grow our members’ assets and superannuation savings to be used for the sole benefit of our members’ retirement, and not for any other purpose. It must be protected by the Fund with the strong support of NSL members and their families. I encourage members to prioritise their superannuation and continue to support NSL in their work to protect and grow this important investment.”