Giving to Philippines street kids

Education, Normal

The National, Monday January 13th, 2014

 IN a world in which hungry children scour rubbish heaps for food and orphans are cast out on to the streets, a PNG student in the Philippines is making a change.

Hazel Navuru, a student at Fashion Institute of Design and Arts (FIDA) in Cebu City, expressed the essence of sharing and loving on New Year’s day through giving out food and drinks to the street children around the city.

“It is very sad to see homeless kids along the streets begging for food, especially in the season when the whole world is happily celebrating,” Hazel expressed.

Hazel is one of the 200 PNG students pursuing university degrees in the Philippines through Paradise International Education Consultancy (PIEC), a Filipino-based education placement agency.

“My little niece who suffered from cancer passed away on 2010. Every Christmas, we go to the children’s hospital back in PNG to visit the sick kids and give them food and gifts,” she adds sharing how she began her humble deed.

Instead of spending on party celebrations, Navuru decided to celebrate the first day of the new year along the city roads giving out hamburgers and drinks to the street kids.

“It’s really priceless seeing the kids smile,” Navuru said.

Navuru came to the Philippines to pursue fashion designing in May last year. 

She is now looking forward to finishing her course this April and build her own fashion brand in PNG.

“You know you have done something good when you sacrifice things for other people.”