
Crowd control
I am a regular supporter of the PNG Hunters. Whenever we have home games, I always take my family to the National Football Stadium to watch and cheer on our boys.
Unfortunately, my family and I don’t always stay long to watch these games because of bad crowd behaviour at NFS.
The behaviour of some of our supporters is unacceptable during games.
There is abusive language and racist comments, and my assessments are that the situation is getting worse.
During the game against the Seagulls, referee and his two touch judges were abused whenever decisions went against the Hunters.
The NFS management and Papua New Guinea Rugby Football League need to be proactive in dealing with these issues.
Otherwise, we will have problems in near future.
Who knows, the Queensland Rugby League might ban the Hunters from playing on home soil to protect Australian players and officials.
Please look into these and address.
Because of difficulties seen in Hunters players responding to journalists’ interviews after games, I would like to conduct public speaking coaching sessions for them.

Martyn Delai
Oshcare PNG Ltd

Plot carefully to win
I would like to join your forum regarding the PNG Hunters.
Some points and concerns are as follows:

  • Since game one, I have realised that the refereeing of the game needs to be fair. I believe the Hunters are treated a bit unfairly and we need this to be raised by the Hunters executives.
  • We have a good coach and quality players, so I would like to encourage our team to know the meaning of Hunters. As Hunters, they should seek out the process of plotting carefully for wins. It’s all about being patient, understanding, and showing peace and joy to play to overcome pressure and play a game with a smiling face on the field.
  • I would love to see more the playmakers improve on their kicking game and show desperation. The Hunters are still the best. They can make a difference.

Alovo Wamala
Erima, NCD