Instil discipline in youths, teachers told


TEACHERS are agents of change as they are strategically located within communities to help instil values and discipline in young people.
This was stressed to more than 60 head teachers, principals and religious instruction coordinators administering the 60 Catholic agency schools in Chimbu last week.
The school administrators gathered in Mingende from last Wednesday to Friday for an organisational management in-service induction.
Facilitator and assistant Catholic education secretary Gabriel Aina emphasised to participants on the coordinated administrative roles they were to play to better manage their institutions to ensure learning objectives were achieved and resources managed well.
Aina said the administrators held positions of trust and leadership and needed to ensure they created a conducive environment where learning was sustained to achieve quality learning for all.
Catholic education secretary Leo Wau urged the administrators to be good teachers and do their jobs as a call from God to serve humanity.
Kundiawa diocese Bishop Paul Sundu also attended the three-day induction along with Kundiawa Laity group leaders Francis Mane and Tobias Kipoi, diocese child protection officer Bernard Malle, appointment and recruitment officer Jacob Maima and Chimbu education board member and chairman of the disciplinary committee Pious Moaina. Sundu said Catholic ideals and values, and pastoral programmes would ensure discipline was maintained by the students and the communities where people would grow in holiness.