Isolated no more


The Jimi electorate is one of the most outback and disadvantaged in terms of its mountains, steep cliffs and many creeks and streams, which make it difficult for its elected member of parliament to connect with every corner or village.
The people of Jimi who live in isolation from Banz-Kol and Karap are now enjoying subsidised airfares, courtesy of DSIP funding by their MP and Vice-Minister for Works Wake Goi.
They now have three airstrips under construction in Buputunga, Gope and Tumgi, with Goi planning more funding into existing airstrips at Sendiap, Koinambe, Kol, Birimde and Ambullua.
Thank you MP Goi for recognising the need of your most isolated people.

Paul Minga.
Nol Binzais