
Assist students:
DURING the national election, many intending candidates put up their policies. Free education was in almost all candidates’ policies. All those policies were fakes and not real. Shame on those who used that as a tool to win. Some MPs took the initiative to put up scholarships and free education. It’s like the saying in the Bible, “Many are called but few are chosen.” I call up on every MP and governor to take the responsibility and help students. Let’s all come together as one people, one nation. God bless PNG.

Jonathan Mok

Vendors cause worry:
I WRITE to support the letter titled,’ Port Moresby’s market problem’, by Grace Murian of Savannah Heights, Waigani. Port Moresby is not the only place with all the problems which were stated by Grace. Such is common throughout many centres in PNG. Lae, Madang and Kavieng markets, for example, also having such problems. Vendors from a particular ethnic groups are taking over almost all the spaces and pushing the locals away from the market. This is bad. Market authority must ensure there is fairness in allocating the space in all centres.

Customer, Via email