Madang holds funeral for men killed in unrest

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Madang came to a standstill yesterday as locals held a combined funeral service in town for four young men shot and killed during a standoff with police two weeks ago.
Hundreds packed the Memorial Lutheran Church where the service was held.
The four deceased were Ari Relly Kale Jr, 27, from Efu village, Stanford Bob Fulan, 27, from Yelso village, Turmut Idafal from Dalam village all in the Amele area outside Madang and Fred Maror Kompon from West Sepik.
They were part of the group that participated in a standoff between police and locals at 4-Mile and Gum Bridge two weeks ago.
They were shot and killed by police in two separate occasions.
Shops and schools in town were closed yesterday as hundreds of vehicles escorted the four bodies to the service and burial at their respective villages.
Madang police station commander Jacob Bando said his officers received reports that threats were issued to certain provincial government offices to close.
Acting finance director Thomas Neruse said public servants left their offices and went home when they heard the threats.
At 4-Mile Market, a truck carrying betelnut bags heading for the Highlands was stoned and damaged by locals.
Bando said police escorted the convoy but did not go further than Gum Bridge because the situation was still tense.
A petition was presented to Madang Governor Peter Yama last week calling for a monument to be erected in honor of the four young men.