MP: Water PNG extorting me

Justin Tkatchenko

MORESBY South MP Justin Tkatchenko claims he is being extorted by Water PNG into paying K2 million in outstanding water bills for his electorate.
“I will not be blackmailed or extorted by Water PNG,” he said.
“Two weeks ago, I received a letter from Water PNG, demanding me to pay K2 million for all the outstanding water bills of more than 20 settlements and villages in Moresby South or they will cut the water supply.
“This is why we are having problems with Water PNG because they cannot do their job.
“They cannot manage their water system properly.
“That is extortion, blackmail, these sorts of actions are totally unacceptable.”
Tkatchenko made the allegations and accusations against Water PNG at the opening ceremony of the Okapa Feeder Road at 6-Mile in Port Moresby on Sunday. “Water PNG are animals that do not allow those in Moresby South to have water, only making money for themselves,” he said.
“So they come to me as your member and say if you do not pay K2 million, we will cut off water supply.
“This is extortion at the highest level and I will not bow down to this company when they had not provided you water in the first place.
“The governor (Powes Parkop) and I have spent millions of Kina on infrastructure, putting the water pipes into every settlement and suburb, paying Eda Ranu and Water PNG to put in this infrastructure for us, from our service improvement programme fund (DSIP).
“Water PNG’s actions are absolutely ridiculous. They should come up with alternatives as he has no issue with paying for individual water meters for each house so that the people have more control over access to water. It is frustrating for me, as an MP, because everywhere I go, the most common complaint he receives is about water and the lack of it.
“There is a clear understanding that they are not interested in fulfilling their duties, only interested in lining their pockets and blackmailing MPs for their own self gain.
“It shows the management is incompetent, not doing their jobs and only interested in making money.”
“This sort of actions have to stop.