No discipline in defence force anymore

Letters, Normal

I USED to wonder why the defence force is struggling to pay utility bills and lowering its operational costs.
I only found out why when I did a bit of investigation.
If you were to walk past the flats at Manu, owned by the defence force, you would not be wrong to think it is another settlement.
The place is so overcrowded and upon checking, I was told that up to four married couples and their children, totalling some 20 people, living in a two-bedroom flat.
These people are taking advantage of free accommodation but fail to realise that they are posing health and hygiene concerns, and ultimately, at the expense of the defence force.
These people are chewing PNGDF to its bone because they are not paying any housing, water, garbage and power bills.
Gone are the days when commanding officers would come down hard on soldiers over non-dependents being accommodated in PNGDF institutional accommodations.
Where is the discipline today?
Have the laws been changed?
I call on the PNGDF commander to crack the whip and clean up the mess.


Settlement soldier
Port Moresby