Our health is our wealth, give it top priority

Letters, Normal

The National,Thursday April 7th, 2016

 OUR health is our wealth.

You never know when you will fall ill and once you do you will strive to get the best medical people to nurse you for you don’t want to die.

I have been sick on many occasions, my family members and my relatives where we visited hospitals, including private hospitals.One disturbing thing I observed is the diagnosis of illnesses or diseases is something of grave concern. 

My instincts were telling me that the pain I’m feeling inside can’t be correctly interpreted medically and I was scared to get the prescribed medications for I might take the wrong medication for wrong illness.

I sought a second medical opinion on my same sickness and my instincts were correct. The diagnosis must be done correctly to apply correct medication to our people.

I believe some of our country men and women and children are killed by application of wrong medication for incorrect diagnosis and some are bed ridden and paralysed for the same reason. If proper diagnosis and correct medication applied will have save a lot of lives.

If our public hospitals are fully equipped, our  doctors and nurses can deliver and save lives.


Kumdist, Via email