PM opens courthouse


PRIME Minister Peter O’Neill opened a new court house on Monday to serve the people of Ialibu-Pangia in Southern Highlands.
“Courthouses like this are very important as they will guide us in settling our issues in a civilised manner,” O’Neill said.
“This Government has invested more funding to address law and order than any other Government before and this is taking place right around the nation.
“Today, there are more police and correctional officers being trained and deployed throughout the country than ever before.”
Attending the opening was resident judge Justice Steven Kassman and the Department of Justice and Attorney-General Secretary Lawrence Kalinoe.
O’Neill said it was an example of the Government’s commitment to delivering services to the people.
He said addressing law and order issues at all levels of society was one of this Government’s main policies.
“Even with all the political issues and global price challenges being faced by our country, your government will continue to deliver much needed services at the provincial level,” he said. “It is important that we continue to maintain this infrastructure on a regular basis.
“Therefore, I urge all public servants and the people of Ialibu-Pangia to take good care of this new building.
“This courthouse would help the process of delivering justice to the community easy and would help to minimise law and order problems.”